I'm so mad I could just spit...or send a letter to Congress.  Where is the common sense these days when passing law and telling us how to live our lives and how to take care of our family members. There are exceptions to every rule and this is no exception.



My grandmother, Harriet Frazier, has been in a nursing home in Tucson for a few years now.  She is in the late stages of Dementia and the past 2 years have not been easy "following rules."  She hasn't been able to recognize anyone for quite some time and my Mother has power of attorney and has to make all decisions for her.

I mention this because several weeks ago my Mom and I had been talking about her and I found out that it is against the law in the State of Arizona to have anyone in constraints while in a wheelchair.  I guess some lawmaker decided it was better to have them fall out so there would be more medical expense for the doctors who probably helped lobby the bill.

Really?  No seat belts in a wheelchair for those prone to fall right out?  My Grandmother can't even remember to swallow at this point and she has been on the brink of death for the last 2 weeks and now I get the news that she fell out of her wheelchair today and broke her femur and hip.  How is she supposed to recover from this?

Point is, there should be some common sense in every rule and law.  If a person has power of attorney over a person who can't think, eat or drink for themselves then the person who can should be allowed to make any and all decisions on the well being of their parent.

I know the law is there for a reason but it didn't help my Grandmother.  In fact, it may have killed her. There are exceptions to every rule...

My mother and all of the family would have gladly signed a letter giving the nursing home PERMISSION to make sure she had a seat belt on at all times while in a wheelchair! There you go...a favorable exception to the rule and common sense applied!


For the love of all things holy...how hard is this to understand.

Pissed?  You have no idea!

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