As I rounded the corner coming home tonight I noticed a strange vehicle in front of my home and then noticed my daughters car in the driveway.  What could be happening inside my home without my knowledge?


To my surprise I see kids all over my kitchen and for a second, I'm not sure what is going on.  Some tall kid at my sink in dreadlocks and another girl I had never met napping on the couch and several more on the computer listening to  who knows what.

But upon further investigation, I surmised they were only filling water balloons for some big nasty water balloon fight after 'Senior Assembly' tomorrow at Greeley West High School.



All I can say is that these fine young adults; Carolina Moreno, Damon Tyson, Taylor Barnes, Gordo Morales, Jordyn Book and Michelle Ceron are WELL prepared for battle and plan on taking no prisoners.

They have water balloons so small that can be concealed easily and used for long distance precision throws to water balloons as big as basketballs that will be used, I assume, for long distance drops.  Good luck below!

Ever get a water balloon dropped on your head from 20' or 30'?  Me either and glad it won't be anytime soon.

In the words of Damon Tyson {that's the kid with the dreads-good kid}:

We aren't the first to throw a water balloon but we will be the last

I can't release the time this will be happening for fear of retaliation but I will post a follow up story sometime before 3pm Thursday with pictures of the aftermath.


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