One day last week my daughter is in the passenger seat on our way to the gym and I look over at her to see her laughing hysterically. I look at her and say, What???


The poor child can't speak! We were at a stop light so it was a little easier than driving to get her to tell me what she was laughing so hard at than if I were actually driving.

She says through a snorted laugh...your leg! I say, what about my leg? She follows with... Who crosses their leg while they drive? Me: I don't know, I'm sure I'm not the only one. Her: How can you even keep your leg up like that and drive? Me: Leave me alone! :P

She then breaks out into a full snorting laugh... I just looked at her and shock my head. Of all the thing's to be made fun of, really... Tell me please, do you cross your leg while you drive?

In "googling" this I have found that it is not uncommon, but have also read that it is not good for you, so thanks to Ashley's uncontrollable laughter, I will try to stop crossing my leg. My reasoning, if it matters at this point is that it helps push my back up against the lumbar support in my driver seat and is very comfortable... but just with so many things in life, like Stouffers Mac and Cheese, not everything that feels good IS good! LOL!!!!

Please go down to the comment section and let me know about any and all of your weird driving habits.

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