The particles flying through the air can cause a multitude of health problems.



  • The elderly
  • Young children, especially those 7 and under
  • Pregnant Women, they breathe in more air per pound of weight than others
  • Anyone with pre-existing respiratory conditions such as COPD, Emphysema, Asthma or Cardiovascular Disease
  • Those who have a cold or the flu
  • Individuals with a smoke allergy, they should be closely watched
  • And healthy people, inhaling smoke is not good for anyone

symptoms related to wildfire smoke:

  • Eye, nose and/or throat irritation plus runny eyes and/or nose.
  • Coughing and an irritated or sore throat.
  • Trouble breathing or tightness of the chest, which may be symptoms of a health emergency.
  • The onset of symptoms related to pre-existing respiratory ailments like asthma or emphysema.
  • Especially following days or weeks of smoke exposure, increased short-term likelihood of getting a cold or having similar symptoms of less effective immune responses.

If You Have Ongoing Symptoms Please Consult Your Family Physician

Preventative measures:

  • If you live near a heavily smoke filled area, consider a short term move to a less infected area, if safe and possible
  • Close windows and doors and stay inside as much as feasible
  • Find solace in places with filtered air such as a movie theater, hey, Battleship opens this weekend, maybe its time to hit up the Metrolux at Centerra.
  • Reduce physical activity
  • Drink plenty of fluids

Don't forget, should your symptoms persist or become severe contact your family physician or in extreme situations emergency services.





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