You ever form an opinion on something based on what others tell you without looking into yourself? I think we all do this. We are very quick to just read someones take on something and accept it as fact. You see it on Facebook all the time. How many times have Jackie Chan or Morgan Freeman died and your friends repost it as truth without taking a minute to look into it and see it is false? Don't you just shake your head at them?

We do this so often. Right now there is an uproar over Obamacare. Do you really know anything about what it is personally or do you just base your opinion on what others are telling you? There are so many people who live their lives based on their religious beliefs but have never read the Bible. I am guilty of saying I hate things that I have never tried. How do I know?

Let's make a vow to start looking into things for ourselves before we believe it or form our opinions. Look it up and do a little research, it may confirm what you thought or you may be shocked at what you find out.

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