So yesterday I put up a picture of a weird item from my kitchen and asked all of you guys to guess what it was. I loved all the answers to my crazy household tools question, and some of the guesses were priceless. Now it's time to reveal what it really is, but first read some of the funniest comments from yesterday!


And the Answer is... a Sushi Roller!

Thingy Ma-Bob and Taylor
D Dennison-TSM

That's right, the thingy ma-bob is used to roll sushi. Taylor was so excited, she forgot to add her seaweed, but her roll, filled with spicy tuna, jalapenos and I think everything else on the prep plate (prepped by Nick).

the Roll from the Sushi maker
D Dennison-TSM

The Sushi roll on the left is the one from the Sushi roll maker, not bad Taylor!

The Sushi Spread
D Dennison-TSM


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