Brian & Todd interview Justin Moore at the Greeley Stampede

We had a great time at the Greeley Stampede on Friday night.  First Brian and I got to interview Justin Moore at our K99 Booth. (Dude is tiny, but very cool!)  Then we were supposed to sing with James Wesley on-stage, but did not. What happened there?

There are many conspiracy theories.   The bull-jive story the road manager gave us was that James' set was cut short, so they had to cut us from the program.  Bottom line is, we were lied to by the record company, by James Wesley, and by the road manager.  The worst part is we lied to you, and for that we are sorry.  We were supposed to sing "Friends in Low Places" with James on stage.  We had it set up with the record company a couple months ago.  We should not have mentioned it on the air, but we did because we thought it was cool. For that, we apologize.

All that being said, it is in our hearts to forgive.  We ended up having a nice time talking to James backstage and still plan on having him perform for our Habajeeba Show in September.

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