With the massive amounts of rain in Fort Collins, Loveland and Greeley mold is on the mind. Let's see how we can combat mold in the home and stay healthy.

Mold ThinkStock
Mold ThinkStock



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    Growth Conditions

    Make sure that you are not setting up a 'Mold Motel!' Mold likes to hang out in warm, damp and humid areas. If the mold spores really like the space they will grow and float in the air in your home, this can and will make you sick. After heavy rain the conditions are perfect and mold can grow within 48 hours. Clean up standing water as soon as possible and make sure the area is completely dry. And don't put off fixing any known leaks in your home.

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    Proper Ventilation

    Make doubly sure that your laundry room, bathroom(s) and any other room with a high-moisture level are well ventilated.

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    Use Mold Resistant Products

    Building, remodeling or repairing? Insist on mold-resistant products. From drywall to paint you can help protect your family.

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    Clean Gutters

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    Houseplants: Keep them mold-free

    Yep, houseplants can become a problem if you don't keep up with them. Their soil can become a breeding ground for mold and that mold will then get into the air in your home. Try adding bit of Taheebo tea to the water you use to water your plants, a natural way to fight mold in houseplants, it's worked in the rainforest since the beginning of time.

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