When Pandas Attack – Another Adventure in My Zoo I Call Home
Living in my home with all my animals and humans can offer some unexpected moments. There is always someone or something buzzing by doing something somewhat entertaining. Us adults in the house love using the children to let our inner child out and play. My daughter may be the most guilty of this as she will endlessly bring home toys that she would love to play with but is too big so she pretends to buy them for the boys...like these huge animal heads.
I was just sitting in the living room when suddenly a tiny panda with a giant head and monster-meloned tiger appeared in my living room and began to fight. It was like "Where the Wild Things Are" had come alive in my own house. I love these moments and these pictures just make me smile. There is something about a giant panda head with tiny arms sticking out underneath it that makes me smile. The panda and the tiger must have had quite a battle because I found the panda head on the couch later with a kitty sleeping in it. I of course then started singing "Cat in the Panda" to the tune of "Cats in the Cradle"..it has been stuck in my head since then. Be a kid, play with one if you have one near and have some fun. Never grow up.
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