Weekly Words of Wisdom From the Mind of Brian Gary
As we head deeper into the holidays I know that a lot of people struggle this time of year. Don't pressure yourself. The holidays are a feeling, not an object. Get the feeling and don't put a monetary value on the season...just let it in. Here are a few things that helped get me through the week and kept my brain in step.
Habajeeba y'all...let today be the day. Forgive what needs forgiven so you can set yourself free today. Fly high Warriors...great things await you. Believe it. Peace love and understanding to you.
Be smart enough to know when you are happy. Be smart enough to know when you are not. Be strong enough to fix it... because you can. Find that happy today...if you already have it...embrace it and appreciate it. Love and confidence to you today.
Good morning...today's mission...compliment at least 3 people today...words are so powerful...use them wisely and effectively. Put some pep in your step and go get em today...spread the positivity Warriors. We make a difference.
4 little words that can be the greatest gift you ever give..."how can I help?" Be a giver
Good Morning Warriors...as you head out today you will find many things that you don't like and you will find many things that you do...what will you focus on? The same things are there. It will be up to you what you see and retain. Do you want to be angry and edgy or do you want to focus on the good things? It's your brain, you control it. Anger is much more exhausting than joy. Let's set the tone Warriors. Good luck today.
once again...my desire for happiness is far stronger than than the worlds ability to bring me down...rock on Warriors