Watch a Restaurant Patron Realize They’ve Been Joined By an Elk
Imagine this. You're eating in a restaurant. You notice everyone is looking at you. Then you realize it's not really you they're looking at, but a large elk who has joined you while he dines outside.
This really did happen recently at a dining establishment in British Columbia, Canada. This majestic Roosevelt elk is a regular known as "King Henry".
I could definitely see something like this happen in Northern Colorado.
The person who shared the video added this commentary:
This is King Henry the Roosevelt Elk. He's munching on petunias in Youbou on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
I have to wonder if the person that planted the petunias intended for King Henry to eat them or if this was a surprise. Either way, I'm thankful for the close-up view that this diner shared of this beautiful animal. Majestic only begins to describe Roosevelt elk like King Henry.