Unique Weather Occurrence Appears in Colorado
Double rainbows, snow pillars, and sundogs are just a few interesting examples of weather-related, sky phenomena that can occur in Colorado - but have you ever heard of a fogbow?
A fogbow was recently spotted near Fleming, Colorado, leading many locals to wonder exactly what it is.
Like a rainbow, a fogbow appears when the sun reflects its light off water droplets. And, rainbows and fogbows always show in the direction opposite the sun. However, unlike a traditional rainbow, fogbows are colorless. They also tend to be much broader than rainbows.
According to Accuweather, fogbows are caused by much smaller rain droplets than normal rainbows; therefore, onlookers may only see a faint red or blue hue or sometimes, no color at all. This phenomenon is also referred to as white bows.
Related: What are Sundogs and Moondogs and Do They Exist in Colorado?
Fogbows commonly show up shortly after sunrise on a foggy morning. The best time to look for them is when there is a thin fog but bright sunlight, or when the sun is breaking through a fog.
Fogbows are far rarer to witness than rainbows, but they're not entirely unusual either.
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Gallery Credit: Scott Clow
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