These Are the Latest Fort Collins Snowfalls in the Past 20 Years
Even though we haven't had a significant amount of snow since Winter Storm Xylia blew through Colorado mid-March and left behind two feet of snow in Fort Collins, it's safe to say we're all pretty done with spring snow.
It can snow as late as June, though, so don't put that ice scraper away just yet. According to the Colorado Climate Center, Fort Collins had trace amounts of snowfall on June 9 in 2005 and June 23 in 2009, but in 2012 (the year of the High Park Fire), Fort Collins' last snow was as early as April 3. The most snow seen in a 'last snow' was last year, when Fort Collins got over a foot on April 16, 2020.
However, based on what's been recorded over the last 20 years, we are typically done with snow by between late April and late May.
Latest Fort Collins Snowfalls in the Past 20 Years
Source: Colorado Climate Center
2020: 12.3 inches on April 16
2019: 2.7 inches on May 21
2018: Trace amounts on April 24
2017: 1.8 inches on May 18
2016: 0.1 inches on May 1
2015: 1.2 inches on May 10
2014: 1.8 inches on May 12
2013: 0.1 inches on May 2
2012: Trace amounts on April 3
2011: Trace amounts on May 11
2010: 4.1 inches on May 12
2009: Trace amounts on June 23
2008: Trace amounts on May 2
2007: Trace amounts on April 13
2006: Trace amounts on April 25
2005: Trace amounts on June 9
2004: Trace amounts on May 14
2003: Trace amounts on May 31
2002: 1.3 inches on May 24
2001: 0.3 inches on May 20