Authorities have filed attempted murder and elder abuse charges against a man who allegedly stabbed two elderly women without warning at a San Francisco bus stop.
A bear in Acorn Creek is trying a different way to get what he wants, he's knocking on the door. When a woman heard a knock at her door she wasn't expecting, she went to see who it was and it was a very large black bear on her porch.
The Northern Colorado Regional Airport broke a world record while hosting the 2018 Women of Aviation Worldwide Fly It Forward event in early March. We have details.
You can celebrate Women Of Aviation Worldwide Week with Free Fly It Forward® flights for Girls and Women of All Ages. The event is March 5 – 11 in Loveland.
The message is 'equality' and over 100,000 people marched last year. There is a Facebook group who is coordinating rides from Fort Collins and Loveland.
The Denver Dream of the all-women Legends Football League return to action at the Budweiser Events Center for the 2018 season. We have all the details for you.
Many women tend to feel less experienced than men when dealing with car care and basic automotive procedures, like changing a flat tire or checking a car’s oil level.
The Brawny paper towel ads are swapping out the iconic man in flannel for another image of 'strong' — women. One of whom is Dr. Patty Lopez, a Fort Collins engineer.