In case you didn't know, bears kind of just do what they want. There's more video proof of this truth as a bear mama and cub completely took over a family's kiddie pools.
Some people are dealing with 2020 better than others and that includes animals apparently. There's a new video showing a moose who decided to throw a pool party for himself in Yellowstone National Park.
Water is the one thing that all living things cannot live without, and our sources tell us that the best-tasting water in Colorado is right at the end of our fingertips.
The U.S. Drought Monitor map indicates that nearly all of Colorado is currently experiencing some level of drought. You may have to water during the winter.
If your water is cloudy or discolored, don't worry. Fort Collins Utilities crews started flushing the water distribution system on Monday. We have the details.
The best tasting Water in the Rocky Mountain Region is… Greeley! Greeley water was selected as best tasting in a three State Region at a recent conference.