If I have learned one thing this week, you should never roast a marshmallow over an active volcano. I'll have to remember that if a volcano ever erupts in Colorado.
Oh, NASA, caught us when we weren't looking again. We've really got a glow about us, don't we? Astronaut Shane Kimbrough just snapped a pic of us from 250 miles up.
I don't get why people are so mean to 9NEWS anchor, Kyle Clark – but stop. Or don't, because he handles haters in the best way – by being an unwavering smartass.
Colorado is amazing, we know! Sometimes, it even takes our breath away -- literally, because altitude. Straight from the Twitterverse, ten too-real #ColoradoProbs.
Happy Colorado Day! If you spent your birthday watching cliff divers at Casa Bonita and think altitude sickness made up, you'll appreciate #GrowingUpInColorado.
Recently, Shia LaBeouf's Twitter looks more like a high school geography test than a social media account, and those coordinates lead you right to Colorado.
Today the internet decided to destroy precious literature, as Twitter tarnished our favorite titles with #RemoveALetterSpoilABook. Read 'em and weep (or LOL).