Shawn Patrick

Randy Travis Gives Shawn Patrick’s Grandma the Gift of a Lifetime
Randy Travis Gives Shawn Patrick’s Grandma the Gift of a Lifetime
Randy Travis Gives Shawn Patrick’s Grandma the Gift of a Lifetime
To me, there is nothing more important in this short life we live then to make those you love know that you love them everyday. My family always did a great job showing me as I was growing up, and now that I am capable, I strive to return the favor. To show my love to my grandmother, I took her to see one of her favorite musicians, Randy Travis, this last weekend at the Union Colony Civic Center.
K99 DJ’s Celebrate Garth Brooks’ 50th Birthday in Song
K99 DJ’s Celebrate Garth Brooks’ 50th Birthday in Song
K99 DJ’s Celebrate Garth Brooks’ 50th Birthday in Song
As you may have seen now I have been doing these daily video blogs, most of them humorous, but yesterday more serious. Garth Brooks who is not only one of my all time favorite singers, but also people in general, celebrated his 50th birthday. So I wrote a quick tune to celebrate and had Todd Harding and Dave Jensen join me to sing it!
Shawn’s Sludge- Eating Competitions [VIDEO]
Shawn’s Sludge- Eating Competitions [VIDEO]
Shawn’s Sludge- Eating Competitions [VIDEO]
I had so much fun yesterday with episode #6, that for #7 I invited my buddies Beano, Danny Joe, and Brian back to join me in trying to break the world record for most Twinkies consumed in one minute. Takeru Kobayashi holds the record at 14, but even if we don't break the record, the man who eats the fewest has to get a Twinkie Tattoo (seriously!)!
Shawn’s Sludge- Facebook [VIDEO]
Shawn’s Sludge- Facebook [VIDEO]
Shawn’s Sludge- Facebook [VIDEO]
Episode number 5 is done and ready for your eyes and ears. Today I thank you for hanging out and sharing the "love" yesterday, also we "poke" fun of Facebook and all of it's glory, plus the dumbest posts ever!
Shawn’s Sludge- Haters [VIDEO]
Shawn’s Sludge- Haters [VIDEO]
Shawn’s Sludge- Haters [VIDEO]
On now to week number two of doing these video blogs, and I tell you what, I really am having a blast making them! Thanks to all who have watched the first week, and for those that haven't liked them, this ones for you!
Shawn Patrick Takes Up Video Blogging [VIDEOS]
Shawn Patrick Takes Up Video Blogging [VIDEOS]
Shawn Patrick Takes Up Video Blogging [VIDEOS]
Not that I consider myself a follower, or one to always play by the rules, but when something new and cool comes up, I am always ready to try it out! There is this woman online that does this video blogging, or vlogging, named Jenna Marbles, and she is getting millions of views, probably because she is funnier than I ever dreamed of being, but I still decided to give it a shot, and so far I ha
Shawn Patrick Lives a Dream Becoming a ‘Good Morning Guy’ (For a Week)
Shawn Patrick Lives a Dream Becoming a ‘Good Morning Guy’ (For a Week)
Shawn Patrick Lives a Dream Becoming a ‘Good Morning Guy’ (For a Week)
Every kid has an idol or someone they at least really looked up to as they are growing up. For some it was a famous singer like Elvis or Garth Brooks, others went the sports route with someone like Michael Jordan or John Elway, there were smart the smart kids who dreamed about being an astronaut or the President of the United States, and then there was me...