Wyoming Site Makes Top 10 Most Visited World Wonders in the U.S. ListWyoming Site Makes Top 10 Most Visited World Wonders in the U.S. ListPeople from around the world have journeyed to Yellowstone National Park to see this geyser. Kolby FedoreKolby Fedore
Proof that Yellowstone’s Old Faithful is Even More Epic in WinterProof that Yellowstone’s Old Faithful is Even More Epic in WinterI've been to Old Faithful more than once, but both times it was during the summer. I've found yet more video proof that America's favorite geyser is even more epic during the winter months.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
Yellowstone National Park ‘Old Faithful’ Erupts Behind Bison [WATCH]Yellowstone National Park ‘Old Faithful’ Erupts Behind Bison [WATCH]This video is a must see!Jordan SotoJordan Soto
Two Men Sentenced for Walking on Old Faithful in YellowstoneTwo Men Sentenced for Walking on Old Faithful in YellowstoneThe ground in hydrothermal areas is fragile and thin, and there is scalding water just below the surface.Tom MortonTom Morton