Kate Baines-Lyman of Colorado Springs shared a video with News5 from the early morning of July 7th. A mountain lion is seen casually strolling by her front door and through her neighborhood in Oak Valley, just north of Centennial Boulevard.
When my ladies and I moved back to Fort Collins three years ago, it was weird not knowing anyone who lived around us.
So, we threw a block party. Ever since, I can tell you the first name of almost everyone on my block. Many of us intermingle on a pretty consistent basis, or at least are outgoing and friendly when we meet, i...
Halloween is right around the corner, and you'll start planning your trick or treating route so your kids get the most candy possible. But are you aware of the sex offenders that populate the area surrounding your house?
The City of Greeley has brought back Neighborhood Nights, which means FREE family movies in July & August in some of Greeley's favorite parks. We have the list.