Colorado State University Playing Major Role in NASA Missions
Colorado State University Playing Major Role in NASA Missions
Colorado State University Playing Major Role in NASA Missions
NASA is launching five Earth satellite missions this year. Researchers in CSU's Department of Atmospheric Science , CIRA – the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere – and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are playing major roles in two of the five.
Photos Of The Planet Mercury
Photos Of The Planet Mercury
Photos Of The Planet Mercury
MESSENGER became the first spacecraft ever to orbit the planet Mercury.  In the course of the one-year primary mission, the spacecraft's seven scientific instruments and radio science investigation will unravel the history and evolution of the the planet.
Robotic Co-Workers: Cool or.. Creepy?
Robotic Co-Workers: Cool or.. Creepy?
Robotic Co-Workers: Cool or.. Creepy?
I saw this in The Reporter-Herald today and couldn't decide whether to be excited or freaked out! NASA is about to send Robonaut 2 to the International Space Station to help astronauts with mundane duties. Are we moving closer to "Terminator" and "Battlestar Galactica" ...
NASA To Land In Front Range?
NASA To Land In Front Range?
NASA To Land In Front Range?
10,000 jobs could start coming to northern Colorado within the next year! In today's (Dec 23) Coloradoan, it was announced that NASA has signed a contract to create a manufacturing campus along the Front Range- between north Denver and Loveland.