You've probably seen people eat chocolate-covered crickets and mealworm lollipops on TV - it's weird at first, but after seeing so many people do it, it almost seems normal.
There's a restaurant in Japan that is taking taboo food to a whole new level, and it just might have the world's weirdest menu...
The world is an amazing place and everyday,it gives up new secrets and adds new ones. Like this mysterious underwater crop circle discovered off the coast of Japan in 2012. How was it created and by whom? I can tell you it's not human.
Today marks the 68th anniversary of the atomic bomb that was dropped over Hiroshima, Japan killing over 140,000 men, women and children. Three days later we would drop another one prompting Japan's surrender on 15 August 1945.
Jiroemon Kimura may not have the record for longest living human being but he does hold a record, of sorts. Is there a secret to good health, good luck or both? Sometimes, longevity comes to those you'd least expect.
Just taking a look at the headlines this week can send a fella into a news coma. Just when you start to wrap your head around the devastation in Japan, you read about Libya or Yemen. Then you look at national news and peek at the happenings in your own backyard. It can be numbing, but hang in there.
This footage is courtesy of the BBC and YouTube. It is exactly the moment the Tsunami Hit the coast of Japan. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the disaster!