
Could This Be The World's Weirdest Menu?
Could This Be The World's Weirdest Menu?
Could This Be The World's Weirdest Menu?
You've probably seen people eat chocolate-covered crickets and mealworm lollipops on TV - it's weird at first, but after seeing so many people do it, it almost seems normal. There's a restaurant in Japan that is taking taboo food to a whole new level, and it just might have the world's weirdest menu...
When Global Hope Seems Out Of Sight: We Fight
When Global Hope Seems Out Of Sight: We Fight
When Global Hope Seems Out Of Sight: We Fight
Just taking a look at the headlines this week can send a fella into a news coma. Just when you start to wrap your head around the devastation in Japan, you read about Libya or Yemen. Then you look at national news and peek at the happenings in your own backyard. It can be numbing, but hang in there.