If you could use a sweet, innocent moment to offset the regular serious news of this year, I have that for you here. It's a dog and horse who are obviously best buds just enjoying each other's company.
On Saturday morning (Dec. 5), crew members from both the Loveland Fire Rescue Authority and Thompson Valley EMS rescued a horse that had wandered onto icy waters and became stuck through the night.
On Monday, June 29, deputies with the Weld County Sheriff's Office said it responded to a report of animal neglect at a property in unincorporated Weld near Briggsdale.
Todd and his wife attended a wedding over the weekend. One of the coolest parts of the day is when the bride walked down the island with her barrel horse, Frank.
Bring the kids out to meet adorable llamas, horses, goats, potbelly pigs, free range chickens, and alpacas on Saturday, October 17 for Colorado Kids Connection's Llama, Llama Fall Farm Event!
Llama, Llama is happening at Zippity Zoo Barnyard at 6921 Ridge Valley Ct, Loveland from 10:30 a...