The section of US Highway 34 between the Dam Store and Estes Park is closed and will remain closed until late May 2018. We have all of the details for you.
We've had quite a few pictures posted of what is now left of Highway 34 in the Thompson Canyon between Loveland and Estes Park, but now now we have aerial video of the canyon.
There have been some heart wrenching photos coming from the flooding of the Thompson Canyon and a lot of people have been asking about a beloved store that is pretty much on the banks of said river; The Dam Store.
The flooding we’re experiencing right now is some of the worst in our area’s history. At least 17 miles of highway 34 in the Thompson Canyon will have to be rebuilt after being washed-out or damaged. With the snowy season looming on the horizon, just how long is it going to take before that route is back to normal?
The devastation being wrought on by this floodwater is almost incomprehensible. Highway 34 has pretty much been completely washed out above Loveland's Dam Store in the Big Thompson Canyon.
The flooding is no where near contained and rain continues to fall with expectations of heavy rainfall later today, tonight and possibly tomorrow. The flooding Thompson River has already washed out parts of Highway 34 and waters are likely to rush to town.