What Are The Laws On Fireworks?
Fort Collins: ALL fireworks, including sparklers and snakes, are illegal to sell, possess, or use. (Up to $2750 fine.) Cross the legal lines of city limits, however, and you will see some fireworks stands, my friend. And last year was the first year that I enjoyed some from Colorado in ages, and gotta say - the fountains and things were actually pretty fun. I was surprised!!...
Fireworks in Fort Collins Could Hit You With a Nearly $3,000 Fine!
Fireworks are for professionals, they aren't safe for the untrained person and are illegal in Fort Collins. If you think it's alright, it probably isn't, don't be fooled.
Fire Starts During Windsor Fireworks at Boardwalk Park Last Night [VIDEO/PICTURES]
A brush fire started late last night on the north side of Windsor Lake during the town’s fireworks display at Boardwalk Park.
According to the Greeley Tribune, the fire started around 9:45 p.m., during the fireworks show, in the area from which fireworks were launched.