There was an explosion at the Seasons at Horsetooth Crossing this morning. According to the Coloradoan, a maintenance worker set off the explosion while using a spray during a repair that was highly flammable.
The maintenance worker was sent to Poudre Valley Hospital with first and second degree burns...
A freak explosion as she was starting her car left her with severe burns and a long stay at a hospital, but she's on the mend and will be out of the hospital soon. Meanwhile, the Goodness food truck continues its mission.
Last year a home in Firestone was destroyed by an explosion due to a gas line. This year the property could be under consideration to become a neighborhood park.
Erin Martinez survived the explosion that killed her husband and brother...
While no deaths have been confirmed, the latest update from Denver 7 is that two men are trapped under the rubble of this house. They had been making repairs on a water heater in the basement when they became trapped. Also, two others were taken to the hospital with injuries from this explosion that happened yesterday (Monday) evening...
A car blew up and burned in a Greeley parking lot on Tuesday. The Greeley Fire Department responded to a report of a vehicle explosion. We have pictures.
We all know that the state of Nevada has been used in the past for nuclear exploration, and many of us never realized that our very own state has been the site for nuclear testing that could have turned out negative.
A 36-year-old man could face charges after his home exploded Tuesday night in Loveland. The suspect is being held at the Larimer County Detention Center.