
Naked Joggers Leave Toddler On Beach For Hours
Naked Joggers Leave Toddler On Beach For Hours
Naked Joggers Leave Toddler On Beach For Hours
The parents of a 20-month-old girl left her on a beach for 2 hours on Tuesday while they went jogging with no clothes on, police say. Cody Bourgeois, 32, and Monique Bourgeois, 35, were arrested and charged with child desertion and obscenity after a man found their daughter alone, thirsty, and covered in bug bites on Holly Beach in Louisiana...
Man Opens Package Marked 'Returned To Sender,' Tarantula Crawls Out
Man Opens Package Marked 'Returned To Sender,' Tarantula Crawls Out
Man Opens Package Marked 'Returned To Sender,' Tarantula Crawls Out
When you arrive to your new place and find a package marked 'return to sender,' you might not want to open it - there might be a giant, hairy spider inside! That's what happened to a U.K. man - a package marked 'return to sender' sent to his new address contained a Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater, the third largest spider in the world...