Ehrlich Toyota is giving a lucky Girl Scout troop a chance to sell a thousand dollars worth of cookies, which will then be donated to troops protecting our country!
Paraphrasing Conan O'Brien last week: "A Girl Scout got in trouble for selling cookies outside a weed dispensary. But it's cool because she's now worth $200 million."
During this holiday season, the FDA is urging you to avoid snacking on uncooked dough or batter of any kind, and homemade play doughs. We have more details.
Girl Scouts have been selling cookies in Colorado for 100 years and they are just about to do it again. Girl Scout Cookie sales start Sunday, January 29!
Food delivery is a convenience that many of us take advantage of, especially on those nights that you just don't feel like cooking. But did you realize that these five Fort Collins businesses deliver throughout the city?
Elections are tough - and if you want to win, you've gotta play dirty. But when pizza and cookie bribes come into play, you could risk getting disqualified like these 2 college students in Colorado.