On Thursday morning Todd had a visit from a couple of medical professionals at Thompson River Pediatrics, who came to the K99 studio to give him a flu shot.
When cold and flu season take over it's anyone's guess how to stay well, but did you know that you could be making yourself sicker. Think about where you put your hands and about the last time you washed your (blank)!
Could it be true, could your daily shower be more of an invitation to cold and flu to come hang out with you? Your daily shower could be setting you up to get sick.
A cold could be brewing in you and all you need to do to prevent it is cover this and no, it's not your head. Stay healthy and cold symptom free by following this simple rule.
It's hard to follow the rules when you get sick, but this (and a few other thing's) don't, is especially important for your overall health and well-being.
In a season that feels like an endless spring verses a overwhelming fall, it's hard to believe that the germs are geared up and ready for an epic attack.