Well, he did it. Todd shaved off his beard. Yesterday he said in a blog that if he got enough votes, he would shave it off. He did, so he did. It's gone.
Todd has had a scraggly beard off and on for over 20 years. Now it is turning grey and he is trying to decide if he should shave it off. He lets you make the call.
Todd's wife is a beautiful woman, but like many ladies in their 50s, she has battled facial hair at times. She tried the new Flawless Facial Hair Remover.
Admit it: When driving to Denver International Airport, there's at least a small part of you that thinks "Did I miss it?" Am I in Indiana? Here's a glimpse of that from someone not from here, whom most of us love. I know I do!
Fort Collins may be known as the Napa Valley of Beer, but we should also think of a nickname that has to do with the multitude of great barbershops that we have throughout the region. Which ones rank in the top five?