Possible Ebola Case in Colorado
Remember ebola? It was a huge deal a couple of years ago. It was talked about all over the news and then one day it was just... Gone. Well, Ebola could be back... Maybe... But more than likely not.
According to the Denver Channel, a possible ebola case is being investigated at Denver Health. The patient returned from a medical missionary two days ago from the Congo. The patient was sick and brought in to Denver Health via Ambulance Sunday morning. Tests were taken and the initial diagnosis from Denver Health is a negative for Ebola. Precautions are being taken and protocol is being followed. Three people are currently under isolation from being in contact with the patient. A student and the two EMTs that brought the patient in to Denver Health.
Jennifer Hillman, spokeswoman for Denver Health said "Denver residents and visitors have no need for concern" as protocols are being followed strictly.
Source: Denverchannel