My Grandson Zayden May Be Turning Into Young Sheldon
I think we have all heard the phrase 'dress for success' and there is something to that. If you feel good you perform good and looking good is something that lights some people up. I am finding out that my grandson Zayden is one of those people.
This little guy is so funny and so darn cute I can hardly stand it but yesterday he was off the charts. He said he wanted to look nice for school yesterday so he came up the stairs wearing this adorable Disney Christmas shirt and a red bow tie. He then let us know how cute he thought he looked. He really did look like Young Sheldon from the TV show. He started talking like him too as he told us that it was a good thing he wasn't going to the Butterfly Pavilion because the butterflies would think his bow tie was covered in red pollen and they would have swarmed him. He also then asked about lions and whether they were nocturnal or not. WTH?!? Who is this child?
All day long we kept asking Zayden if he wanted to change clothes and he refused saying that he really enjoyed wearing a bow tie. I love this little guy so much. Thank you for keeping me smiling every single day Zay. Papa loves you forever.