My Dog Rox: NoCo’s Cutest Puppy Bandit Will Steal Your Heart
Congrats to Bandit, voted NoCo's Cutest Puppy in the most recent round of Townsquare Media's My Dog Rox contest.

We get dozens of submissions every time we ask ya'll to brag about your dogs, from the best Halloween costumes, to the worst behaved to the greatest trail buddies. But this last round, we celebrated the babes.
We asked our audience to send us their best photos of their pandemic puppies; their quarantine cuddlers and the COVID-19 companions who may have interrupted a Zoom or two with a mess of some kind (good thing they're cute).
Bandit is 29 weeks old, and has been with his dog mom Brie in Fort Collins for only a few months. Bandit is a Papillon, which we learned is French for 'butterfly,' and the name comes from the dog's ears and markings resembling one.
Bandit got the most community votes, so he and Brie took home a prize pack valued at over $150 that includes a gift basket courtesy of Fort Collins Veterinary Emergency and Rehabilitation Hospital.
The contest is also made possible thanks to First FarmBank, which supports the local community and embraces Colorado's love of dogs.
Thanks to everyone who participated in this round of My Dog Rox. You can see the (adorable) contest submissions below. To enter the any future My Dog Rox contests, make sure you have our FREE APP.

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