May Day, something that your grandma or people from North Dakota talk about a lot. But what about the rest of the country, can you revive the May Day tradition?

May Day Basket D Dennison
May Day Basket D Dennison

May Day has been a long standing tradition, just like turkey at Thanksgiving and chocolates for Valentine's Day.

May Day began many moons ago, before this guy and that cultural bing-bang as a spring celebration. There would be flowers and dances and cake, yes, cake! The celebration was first recognized, as well as one can tell, on April 27 and was called the festival of Flora, a Roman goddess. Then as more adopted the celebration it morphed into this and that, but since the 18 Century its been known as May Day, for the most part.

In the United States, back before the country starting spinning in free love, equal rights and the official end of segregation President Eisenhower declared May 1 as Law Day, a national holiday.

In a very real sense, the world no longer has a choice between force and law. If civilization is to survive it must choose the rule of law. -Dwight D. Eisenhower

Before Eisenhower declared May 1 as Law Day, most of the United States celebrated May 1 as May Day.

In the late 19 Century the day became known as International Workers' Day. Basically it means a few different things to a lot of different people worldwide. Whether you pause to honor and recognize the law and how it has protected the integrity of civilization, tip your hat to the American worker or just honor another human being with a May Day basket, well, it's up to you, but remember, you're free to do all of the above.


The delivery is what makes it so fun, but go ahead and do it anyway you want. Just have fun with it.

  • Collect a small basket
  • Fill it with flowers and/or treats
  • Set it on the doorstep of your friend
  • Ring the doorbell
  • Run away (yes, its a version of doorbell ditch, if you will, but when they open the door they are welcomed with a basket of joy, not a bag of flaming poo)

Here's to bringing back the tradition of the May Day basket and spreading spring time joy!

Happy May Day... oh and just as a little reminder, May Day is May 1... that would be this Friday! (May 1, 2015)


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