Loveland Boy Scout Troop 184 is not afraid to call it what is is: A Christmas Tree! This year, they will again be offering live trees as one of their fundraisers.

The thing I admire most about the young men of Troop 184 is that they do these fundraisers to raise money to purchase camping gear, pay for camping trips, and basically fund their entire way through the program .

So let's once again give these young men of good faith and character a helping hand this year.

The Troop 184 lot this year is located just East of McGraff's Restaurant at Boise and Highway 34 in Loveland. (1715 Topaz Dr.)  And since you asked for it the last couple years, Troop 184 will be accepting credit cards this year via a fully encrypted 3G cell phone connection!

The lot opens tomorrow, Friday, November 29th at 10:00 AM and runs through December Sunday, 22nd.

  • Fridays, 4 PM to 8 PM
  • Saturdays 10 AM to 8 PM
  • Sundays 11 AM to 7 PM

For any questions please contact Mickie Nuffer at 970-290-8750.

BSA Troop 184 Facebook
BSA Troop 184 Facebook

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