Loveland Small Businesses Can Apply for Aid Through Jan. 8
Everyone knows 2020 has been difficult for the small, local shops and businesses that are usually the lifeblood of a community’s economy. HOWEVER, even if 2020 has been difficult, if you’ve got a business in Loveland and are struggling to stay afloat, you can still apply for aid after 2020 has lit its last dumpster fire.
According to a press release from the City of Loveland, applications for the Loveland Small Business Assistance Program will be open through Friday, Jan. 8. And if you have a small business in the city of love, you should really take advantage of this, because funding from the program was meant to go to about 150-200 enterprises, and right now, they’ve only supplied aid to about 50. That leaves a lot of room for you and yours.
As far as the city funding goes, the total amount allotted to this aid program is $750,000 and could be paired with Larimer County’s “Level Up” program, as well as the recently-signed federal aid. But that doesn’t mean anyone should take their time applying.
“This round of local business assistance could very well make the difference in small-business survival,” said Jack Hill, Business Development Specialist with the City department. “Additional federal relief likely will not make it to the business community until February or March.”
Small-business aid applications accepted through Jan. 8
City Council-approved funding of $750,000 is being apportioned...
Posted by City of Loveland, Colorado - Government on Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Given the time it could take for aid to reach applicants, Loveland authorities are working to speed the application and allotment process for financial aid, such that those who apply by Jan. 6 could see payments by the start of February. The expediency of those funds could mean the difference between opening your businesses doors or closing them.
But if you’re worried that your business still wouldn’t be able to financially function even with the money, you can also apply to The Level Up program, which lets businesses and restaurants allow in more customers and offer indoor dining once Loveland’s restrictions lower beneath the ‘red’ level. If you’re approved for The Level Up program, you even get a decal to post in your store so that customers can see that they’re welcome and safe in your establishment.
So, before you wait up to drop-kick 2020 out the door on Dec. 31st, make sure you apply for the Loveland Small Business Assistance Program. You can find the English application here and the Spanish application here. And if you want more explicit details on what the program entails or other programs you can apply for, head over to the City’s Economic Development page.
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