Let’s Quit Waiting for Someone to Unite Us and Unite Ourselves
Brothers and sisters I am asking you to join with me and unite in the name of peace, love, understanding and acceptance. This world has gone insane and we are the ones who are doing it. We can blame our leaders all we want but we decide and create our own actions. We need to be the ones to make the change, join hands and forget our differences for the good of all mankind.
We are all, or should all be, disgusted with the violence that has been taking place in our country. We all need to chill out and breathe. The news keeps showing us the comments from our leaders that just seem to make things worse instead of creating a calm. Let's quit waiting for them to say the right thing and take it upon ourselves to do the right thing. Hate is ugly and will not be tolerated in my world. I will police out the things I don't want influencing my life and we all have the ability to do the same. Control your world. Make up your own mind and don't follow where Facebook or other social media tends to lead your emotions. We are the people. We are both the problem and the solution. Let's solve this as humans united in the pursuit of peace.
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