Less Colorado Companies are Testing for Marijuana
Most of us have had to go through a pre-employment drug test prior to being offered the job. Since the legalization of cannabis in Colorado, less and less Colorado employers have been testing for THC.
With eight states currently having recreational marijuana laws, could we see a decline in pre-employment drug testing specifically for THC? The answer is YES here in Colorado. According to the Denver Post, over the past two years, Colorado's pre-employment drug testing for THC has declined 7 percent and 3 percent have dropped THC from all drug tests.
People argue that if cannabis is legal in our state, it should be treated no more harmful than alcohol and what is done legally off of company time should be of no concern to the employer. Could we be seeing more and more employers in the state of Colorado drop off THC from pre-employment and random drug testing? Time will tell.
Source: Denver Post
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