There’s been a decent amount of recalls in recent times here in Colorado.

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One that took place this summer actually affected marijuana that was contaminated with mold. The bad weed had to be pulled from eleven different stores in the Front Range. 

There were also a ton of products that were recalled by Amazon as well.

However, the recalls that most people tend to talk about are when food gets contaminated.

For example, a few months ago there was a recall of walnuts in Colorado due to them being contaminated with E. coli

As it would turn out, there’s yet another food recall here in Colorado, but this time, it may be for a reason you might not expect.

Universal Bakery Energy Bars and Aussie Bites Recalled in Colorado


According to Newsweek, the FDA issued a Class II recall for two products that were made by Best Express Foods; Universal Bakery Organic Aussie Bites and Universal Bakery Organic Sunrise Energy Bars.

Both the bites and bars were labeled as gluten-free, when in fact gluten was present in both products.

In total, 1,419,075 units of the Universal Bakery Organic Aussie Bites and 104,160 units of the Universal Bakery Organic Sunrise Energy Bars were pulled from the shelves.


Colorado was one of 13 other states that’s a part of the recall, including Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Texas, Utah, and Washington. 

This is not Best Express Foods’ first time with something like this. Back in May, the Gluten Intolerance Groups revoked its Gluten-free Certification off the company’s products, which includes the popular Aussie Bites.

Why Is This a Big Deal?

It’s worth saying that for the majority of people, this recall will likely not cause too many issues. 

It’s a Class II recall, which states that it can cause some reversible or temporary health issues for certain people.

However, the problem is that people with illnesses like Celiac disease can experience some pretty serious intestinal issues due to gluten being in the product.

LOOK: The 10 largest product recalls of the last decade

Estey & Bomberger, LLP compiled a list of the top 10 product recalls since 2007, ranked based on the number of product units recalled in the U.S.

Gallery Credit: Beth Mowbray

Warning: Amazon Safety Recalls On These Products, Affects Colorado

These items are sold on Amazon and all have recalls that could affect customers all over Colorado. If you've purchased any of the below items, these are the next steps to take to secure your safety with these potentially dangerous items.

Gallery Credit: Big Rob / Amazon

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