Something unusual has been happening in Western Colorado. Groups of cattle are disappearing from ranches located around the Uncompahgre Plateau. Throughout the fall of 2024, hundreds of steers, heifers, and calves have been vanishing in groups of 25 to 30 at a time.

Read More: How To Identify & Handle Colorado’s Common Wild Animal Encounters

According to Telluride Daily News, more than 150 cattle went missing in just three weeks from area ranches in Montrose and San Miguel counties. Residents in the area are asked to watch out for suspicious vehicles, especially those with trailers.

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Cattle Theft in Southwest Colorado

The Colorado Department of Agriculture reported the possible theft of 6 calves missing from Montezuma County on November 15th and shared the news on social media. The original post includes a description of the animals' tags and a contact number.

29 Cattle Stolen in the Sanborn Park Area

On November 25th, the Colorado Department of Agriculture shared another report detailing the disappearance of 29 more cattle from the Sanborn Park area near the San Miguel County line. A description of the animal's brand and a contact number was included in the post. Updates have been requested about this report and are pending.

Read More: How To Identify & Handle Colorado’s Common Wild Animal Encounters

Teft Along Divide Road (Uncompahgre Plateau)

The CDA shared a report on December 2nd of three different incidents in Montrose and San Miguel. Cattle were reported missing/stolen from three different ranches along Divide Road southwest of Montrose, Colorado. Branding details regarding all three groups of animals and contact information can be found in their post. A total of 115 animals are missing as part of this report.

43 Animals Missing/Stolen in Montrose County

The CDA shared another report on December 6th regarding 43 more animals missing from an area West-Southwest of the city of Montrose. Information about branding and earmarks, as well as contact information, is found in the post.

MORE: Beware of the 12 Most Dangerous Animals in Colorado

Keep an eye out for the following 12 dangerous animals in Colorado. While these creatures usually go out of their way to avoid you, if you encounter one you will want to give it plenty of space. Scroll on to see each one and find out why they make the cut of the most dangerous animals in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

UP NEXT: Where are the 11 Largest Elk Herds in Colorado?

At the end of the 2023 hunting season, Colorado's elk population was estimated at just over 300,000. Keep scrolling to see the areas around the state where 11 of the largest herds call home.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

MORE: 12 Facts You May Not Know About Colorado’s San Miguel River

Colorado's San Miguel River is one of the best places to enjoy floating, fishing, and hiking on the Western Slope from July to September. Beginning high in the San Juan Mountains south of Telluride, the San Miguel River travels along the Uncompaghre Plateau into Montrose County, where it joins with the Dolores River.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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