No one chooses to walk around all day with a stink wafting down from their hair.

If you click on the little photo next to my name at the top of this article, you'll notice I'm a bald guy. Even I don't want anything to do with a smelly head.

There's a lot of obvious things that could be creating a stink in your hair. Smoking, work environment and workout regimen are no-brainers for what could cause odor to assemble in your meticulously coiffed hairdo.

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There's also a lot of hidden factors in your everyday life that you might not realize can cause smelly hair. From your diet to your wardrobe choices, there are plenty of ways for your head to stink besides not using enough shampoo.

Here are 10 things you're probably doing that make your hair smell awful.

10 Things You're Doing That Make Your Hair Smelly

Something is making your hair smell awful and it's not that cheap shampoo you just brought home from the store. From your diet to your wardrobe choices, there are plenty of factors creating a stink.

Here are 10 things you're probably doing that make your hair smell awful.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

LOOK: How Many of These Iconic '90s Shampoos Do YOU Remember?

Salon Selectives. The OG Herbal Essences. Vidal Sassoon. The '90s was stacked with radical haircare options, and we want to know how many of these classic shampoos you remember.

Gallery Credit: Meg Dowdy

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