Outer space is a curious place. Millions and millions of stars, planets, moons, the sun, black holes, the milky way and LOTS of questions.

One those questions is 'is there life out there?'.

The answer is that we don't really know. People suspect that there is and that they've seen the UFO's to prove it. Some people claim they've been abducted and taken on a ship. Whether or not you believe in UFO's or aliens, isn't my job, that's up to your interpretation.

Since social media has come around and now that everyone has a camera with them every waking hour of the day, it seems possible that if there are aliens, someone's going to capture them on camera and share it immediately.

Wyoming's UFO activity is well documented, and there are some attractions here that may attract more than just curious humans. Hollywood used Devil's Tower National Monument as an alien hot spot and landing site for UFO's in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". 

In the 1940's and 50's, reports of UFO's and aliens became a popular past time for many people, looking for them and reporting seeing them. Area 51, which has long been associated with UFO's, was built in 1955.

If you believe in UFO's or not, you've certainly been in awe of what you see when you look up at the stars. When you were a kid, I'd bet my right pinky toe, that you wished on a star.

Shooting stars have always been associated with good luck and this week could be a really lucky week. 

Earthsky.org says that the annual Lyrid Meteor shower is happening in the skies above the Cowboy State this week, with it peaking this weekend.

With a good, clear Wyoming sky you'll have a chance to see the meteor shower the best until April 23rd, but you could still see a few until the 29th.

Another exciting factor is that there is a new moon on the 19th, meaning there will be no moon to brighten the sky and you'll be able to easily see the show.

The best part is, you don't have to wait until the middle of the night or wake up way early in the morning to catch sight of the meteors. You may begin seeing them as early as 9pm all the way until dawn.

When the sky is dark with no moon, it's quite possible for you to see 10-15 Lyrids per hour and they'll leave a trail that will last for a few seconds after the meteor passes.

So keep your eyes on the night Wyoming skies this week, you'll have plenty of chances to wish on a shooting star.

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