It’s National Pharmacy Technician Day – Take a Moment to Thank One Today
Today is National Pharmacy Technician Day. This is a day to say an extra thank you to those folks who work hard making sure we get our prescriptions filled correctly and billed correctly. They do a lot of hard, thankless work but some of us would be lost without them. I have relied on their expertise my entire life. Thank you pharmacy technicians, for the work you do and for helping to keep us properly medicated and one step closer to better health.
When you are in line today getting your meds filled make sure you offer and extra smile and word of gratitude today the folks filling those pill bottles. They are a very important part of our lives. This is a little extra special to me because my daughter Vanessa is a pharmacy technician and a darn fine one at that. Happy Pharmacy Technician Day Vanessa and all the others out there as well.
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