Is City Park in Fort Collins Getting a Makeover?
City Park has been a staple in Fort Collins for over 105 years, serving as a space where people in the community can relax, reflect, play sports, swim in the pool, and just enjoy being outdoors in a beautiful space.
There have recently been talks though, about giving City Park a bit of a refresh, including possible upgrades, improvements, and additions. A public meeting is being held Thursday, June 7, to discuss the community's thoughts on what is being called the "City Park Tomorrow" project. The design process for the refresh will begin this year, and efforts will build on, and be in response to, the previous analysis, design, and public input. Some of the ideas that are being thrown around are modernized playground features, a brand new boardwalk, tennis and pickle ball courts, a trolley garden, new promenade and pavilion, and improvements to existing features. In the public survey, it also gave residents the option to choose what they would want to take the place of the current mini-train area, suggesting a slack lining/hammock area, a putt-putt golf course, a smaller/informal picnic area, or just a place for passive use. You can participate in the survey here. The City is planning on completing the enhancements within three phases.
If you can't make the 6 p.m. meeting, it's also being live streamed. To check out the plans as of now, visit: