When adulting, you realize how important a credit score is. You need to have a good credit score to purchase a home, get a better rate when purchasing a car, and more. Credit scores are even a factor when buying automobile insurance and in some cases a requirement for employment.

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So, where do cities in Northern Colorado rank? According to a study with Wallethub.com, here are the average credit scores. The best are ranked at the 99th percentile:

Fort Collins ranks 611th at a 76th percentile.

The average credit score of a Fort Collins resident is 701.14

Loveland ranks 739th at a 71st percentile.

The average credit score of a Loveland resident is 694.85

Greeley ranks 1902nd at a 25th percentile.

The average credit score of a Greeley resident is 652.12

Longmont ranks 716th at a 73 percentile.

The average credit score of a Longmont resident is 696.02

When it comes to mid-sized cities, Colorado has three on the list:

Highlands Ranch with an average score of 733.26

Centennial with an average score of 722.2

Boulder with an average score of 718.57

Highlands Ranch came in, overall mid-sized cities, at number one.

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Denver's average score was 666.31 in the 41st percentile and a ranking of 1495.


Source: WalletHub




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