Greeley Protest Tuesday Against Council Member Kristin Zasada
Greeley City Councilwoman Kristin Zasada made a social media post about the George Floyd protests last week that has resulted in calls for resignation and threats to her safety.
Greeley Councilwoman Kristini Zasada wrote in a Facebook post that usually she tries to "keep it light" on social media, but these "protests are weighing heavily on my heart". She went on to say that she fears for her daughter in wake of the chaos and violence.
The Greeley Tribune is reporting that a former college acquaintance left a comment on the post saying that the leading cause of death for black men is police brutality. Zasada immediately looked up the top causes of death for African-American men on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
Zasada responded:
I don’t know what world you’re living in but it’s not reality. The leading cause of death of young black men is homicide and 80-90% of those cases are black-on-black violence. Blacks have 7-8 times the rate of homicide as whites.
The post, comments and reactions have upset many people spurring a protest planned for 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Greeley City Counsel Chambers. The Latino Coalition of Weld County is calling for Zasada's resignation.
We've included a portion of Zasada lengthy statement on the City of Greeley website:
“I am deeply concerned about the violent unrest that has rocked our nation of late, and I don’t want to see that happen to my town. But my sadness over the recent violence in no way means I condone the tragic death of George Floyd nor does it make me racist, insensitive or threatening.”
Stacy Suniga, president of the Latino Coalition disagrees, saying the post shows her "lack of empathy for our black brothers and sisters."
The protest tonight will be at the Greeley City Council Chambers at 1001 11th Ave at 6 p.m.
Source: Greeley Tribune and Blythe Driver on Facebook

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