Fort Collins Soapstone Prairie, Red Mountain Open Space’s 10th Anniversary
Its finally been a decade since Soapstone Prairie Natural Area and Red Mountain Open Space opened and now its time to celebrate.
The celebration is happening Saturday, July 13 starting at 10 a.m. with a ceremony at the Soapstone Prairie Natural Area's South Parking Lot Picnic Shelter.
There will also be educational stations and a time capsule created in 2009 where objects will be on display.
There are three stations at Soapstone Prairie's South Parking Lot, Soapstone Prairie's North Parking Lot, and Red Mountain Open Space's parking area/trailhead.
These stations will highlight prairie dogs, the bison, the ruins of the Guy Homestead, endangered black-footed ferrets, Lindenmeier archeological site, geology and wildflowers.
There is free van transportation available to Soapstone Prairie with registration.