Fort Collins Police Offer Lobby as 1st Date Spot
Fort Collins Police (FCP) are doing something new this new year. They're offering their lobby as a meet up spot, and they're calling it the "Exchange Zone".
"Whether you're buying a Playstation, selling a piece of furniture, or even meeting up for a first date, we want you to be safe during encounters with strangers", FCP wrote on their Facebook.
Their designated "Exchange Zone" includes their public parking lot and lobby.
"The next time you're buying/selling/trading/dating, consider getting together at our place. If the other person flat out refuses, that might be a warning sign to consider", FCP wrote on their Facebook.
Seems a little unconventional for a date meetup spot, but it would make for a good punch line when you tell your family where you met your significant other.
FCP continued on their Facebook: "In all sincerity, we care about your safety. Our lobby is open during business hours and our parking lot is well-lit and available 24/7/365. These spaces are yours to use as a resource!"