Farm Credit Colorado Agriculture Hall of Fame 2016 Inductees Announced
The Colorado FFA Foundation has announced four inductees into the Farm Credit Colorado Agriculture Hall of Fame. Mr. Thomas Bradbury of Byers, Mr. Steve Gabel, of Eaton, Mr. Harold Griffith of Fort Morgan, and Mr. Milan Rewerts, of Fort Collins, will all be formally inducted into the Hall of Fame in February at the annual Hall of Fame Banquet.
The Farm Credit Colorado Agriculture Hall of Fame banquet is held in conjunction with the Governor’s Forum on Colorado Agriculture and is a prime opportunity to gauge the direction of the industry and learn about issues facing one of the largest industries in Colorado.
Friends, peers and business associates will recognize the four inductees during the Farm Credit Colorado Agriculture Hall of Fame Banquet, Feb. 18, 2016, at the Renaissance Hotel, Denver. The honorees will join 85 other outstanding Colorado agriculturists who have been similarly honored since 1989. All Agriculture Hall of Fame members’ portraits are displayed in the Farm Credit Colorado Agriculture Hall of Fame in the CoBank Center for Agricultural Education at Colorado State University.
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