Good Guys Rod & Custom:18th Colorado Nationals
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Mark your calendars for September 11-13 as the Goodguys 18th Colorado Nationals makes its 2015 stop at the Ranch Events Complex in Loveland bringing hot rodding fun to the Mile High State! Formerly held in early June, this exciting event will still bring three days of Full Throttle Fun to the Loveland/Ft. Collins area! See over 2,000 hot rods, customs, classics, muscle cars and trucks, plus Goodguys AutoCross racing, exhibits, used auto parts swap meet, AutoTrader Classics cars for sale corral, model car show, kids activities, K&N Filters All American Sunday, entertainment and everything you want from a Goodguys national event.
Pre-registration is still open! Save $10 and register by August 28th and get your Goodguys car show weekend on the books! We will see you at the Ranch Events Complex in September!