Does It Really Always Snow on Halloween? Here Are the Facts
Halloween is less than 2 weeks away and we have had temps flirting with the 80's lately. That seems kind of odd when we usually expect snow around Halloween but then again we know we can go from 82 to snowy and 38 in the span of 24 hours in these parts, but will it happen this year? Will it snow on Halloween?
We seem to think it always snows on Halloween when actually it is a rare occurrence. When it does snow it sticks in our minds so we tend to think it happens all the time when it actually only happens about once every seven years. I found a couple of articles from Denver 7 and from ThorntonWeather.com that show the facts.
What IS the weather going to be on Halloween? AccuWeather has the latest forecast here and it looks like mid 70's at this point but we know how fast that can change.